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Gloomspite Gitz Caveshroom Loonz

Артикул: 71-87
Нет в наличии
9665 руб
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1x Loonboss, a crazed commander ideal for leading your Gloomspite Gitz forces
6x Fanatics, ball-and-chain swinging loons who carve through your foes with glee, which can be assembled as Loonsmasha Fanatics or fungus-wielding Sporesplatta Fanatics
10x Squig Hoppers, bouncing cavalry of the Gloomspite Gitz which can also be built as heavily-armoured Boingrot Bounderz
1 set of three Rockgut Troggoths, regenerating brutes literally too stupid to die
1x Mangler Squigs, a pair of destructive beasts who can also be built as a Loonboss on Mangler Squigs

This set also includes 1x 25mm Round Base, 16x 32mm Round Bases, 3x 50mm Round Bases and 1x 80mm Round Base.

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